James and I went to downtown Round Rock to take a few pictures. I am trying to work on my editing skills and needed some new pictures to work with. I was not really up for taking my own picture so James volunteered. It is really amazing what you can do with a picture if you know what settings to mess with. Might not be the best pictures in the world, but some of them are way better than others I have done. Hopefully I will start doing this more often but have someone other than James to be my model.
I went in for my interview with Apple and it seemed to go great! I received an email asking for information and permission to run a background check on me. I am thinking, along with my other co-workers, that that means I will have the job. We hear that it takes about a week after the background
check to hear anything. So, I am waiting.

P90X is going terrible. The past two weeks have been hard with schedule change and some other things that have come up. We are hoping to get back on track this week. We totally believe in the program but sometimes it is hard to fit anything into the odd hours that I am keeping these day. Shift change is happening the first week or so of November and I am hoping to have an 8-5 shift. Life seems to function better for me in that time frame. So, fingers crossed for the good shift so we can get back on track.