I have never liked going to the dentist. My first experiences at the dentist were not too bad I guess. I remember playing the waiting room with all the toys and getting a sucker when I was done. I had two teeth pulled. I thought that the tooth fairy would bring me extra money because I had the tooth and the root. No such luck though. The teeth were still worth the same amount. When I was in 5th or 6th grade I got braces. I had always wanted them, but once I got them I hated them. It was hard to floss and when they adjusted them it hurt so much.
Once I had my braces taken off.....5 years later my teeth were in pretty bad shape. I had never really had cavities before braces and once they were off I had a plethora of them. I had my first root canal when I was 18. I had to have it redone when I was 20 because the dentist missed an extra root that I had. Since then I have had multiple root canals, crowns, and fillings. I fill like I am being tortured when I go to the dentist. The sounds, smells, and looks of everything in the dentist office scares me.
My three most recent dentist/specialist have had TVs hooked up in the office so you can watch TV while they grind away at your teeth and what not. I am ready to be able to go in for a cleaning and be told your teeth look great! Then I will be able to enjoy the TVs.
All this is brought about because I had a crown and a few fillings on at the first of the year. I began have major sensitivity issues and a lot pain on the back right side of my jaw. My dentist booked me for my next appointment to have a few more fillings done, but it was about a month away. I though I would be able to make it through. I could not handle the pain. I could not sleep, eat, or even breath without it hurting. They began running some cold tests and all I could do was cry. I felt so dumb for crying. They sent me on over to a root canal specialist who told me I would need two root canals done.
We got one done and it seems to be doing great. The other tooth is now infected and is causing all sorts of problems. I have been taking Vicodin, Advil, and Amoxicillin to try and take care of the infection and pain. It seems the more I go to the dentist the more I don't like them. Not to mention how expensive they are!