Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


James has a new hobby! That is one of the things that I posted about a long time ago(click here to see.) I am so excited that he has finally found something that he can do that is fun and productive! James is getting into guitar pedal making! His first pedal is a mute pedal that will allow him to mute his computer while up on stage. I am so excited for him! Here is a picture from the phone. I will soon get a better one!


Anonymous said...

cool, way to go James, I know nothing about guitars or pedals of the guitar type. Can you race them? ;-)

Anonymous said...

deby the way, Anonymous= David A

michele law said...

Unfortunately you cannot race a guitar pedal. We did have to go into a Hobby Shop that sold a lot of stuff for racing cars/trucks. It looked like a lot of fun. We would love to come out sometime and watch you race yours!