Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

All Things New

We have had so much going on lately. New jobs, new schedules, and adjusting to a very different life of 2 full time "real" jobs. I am loving what the future is looking like for us. We have many decisions to make now that we have only dreamed of previous. Buying a house, having a baby, be a stay at home mom or a working mom, create a real full business of my photography or keep it as a hobby, just to name a few.
James is now working for the same company as I am and is loving it. I love that he is loving it. I think that has been a big fear for both of us, that he would get into a job that he didn't enjoy. I am got a promotion and I am working in a different group but doing the same job...well almost. I am supporting a new product and I am still learning the ins and outs of it and I am having to change how I do my job because what I do is now read
directly by pretty important people instead of just fellow agents. It has been a good change of pace, but I am ready to know the product backwards and forward so I can feel "comfortable" again.
I have had a few scheduled photo shoots recently and I have been working on my off camera flash photography. I need more practice with the off camera flash. Looking for ways to expand and hopefully have photography to fall back on so I can be a stay at home mom photographer instead of just a stay at home mom (when the time comes).

Until next time, here is a new favorite of James and Dagny!

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