I was tagged in the picture game.The object of the picture tag is to:
1) Choose the 4th folder where you store your pictures on your computer.
2) Select the 4th picture in the folder.
3) Explain the picture.
4) Tag 4 people to do the same.
No cheating (cropping, editing, etc.) Have fun!!!

Everyone else has a cute picture of their kids or of themselves and this is what I have. I feel a little ripped off. Oh well, here is the story.
This is our first Scion XB that was obviously in a wreck summer of 2007. I was driving to Amarillo with my Mom to look at new cars for her and for some reason I was driving my car and she was driving hers. I was following her and a semi pulled in between us. We drove for a mile or so and after that it gets real fuzzy. The next thing I know I am right up on the semi's trailer and so I jam on my brakes. I don't seem to slow down and I really start to panic. I was attached the the semi's trailer. I put my car in neutral because I can't do anything else and I continue to push the brake as hard as I can. The semi finally pulls away from me taking my front bumper with him. Apparently the semi had changed lanes but then without looking came back into my lane. I had already moved up enough for him to grab my bumber and latch on. I don't think that he even knew it happened. We had called 911 and they looked through all the road leaving Amarillo and found no semi with my bumper attached and we never did find the bumper. I was not injured and made it out fine. The car was said to be a total loss. Sinc this is a sad picture I am attaching picture of the morning of the accident because I had just hand wash and waxed the car as well a picture of the new car that we got after this.

Tagging Jennie, the Bean family,Kayla, and Casey.